Sometimes life leads us to deep transformations, forcing us to make new moves, to find other paths and to see other beauties. As João Guimarães Rosa said in his work The Devil to Pay in the Backlands: “Life invents!”.
Such wisdom is timeless. More than ever we are witnessing life inventing and calling us to reinvent ourselves. In these 26 days of remote teaching, life has taught us to cross walls and break time. We follow the previously outlines paths, finding new routes and redesigning our journeys. And we begin to witness, with the same enchantment as usual, learning experiences taking place in different ways, with new tools and different powers. And most of all, we have been together. Despite being physically distant, even feeling uncomfortable and insecure. Still, we kept our bond, that is, the essence of our school.
Phone calls and messages exchanged with mothers and fathers made all the difference in the construction of this work. The dialogue between family and school, much emphasized during our partnership, has been and will continue to be essential for all of us to overcome this demanding moment. May it always be our main tool to broaden our reflections on the conduct and monitoring of the teaching and learning process of our children.
At the same time, we have been witnesses to a capable, engaged, knowledgeable, reflective and committed team facing this great challenge. Our teachers have been learning, along with the little ones, about the possible and best ways to make an affection-based learning experience happen even from afar. There have been many videos, live meetings and proposals aimed at ensuring important aspects for the development of every child, taking into account specificities of each age group in dialogue with the documents guiding our practice.
This important stage of learning has only taken place because the “school, children and families” partnership was stronger than ever: it was alive! The performance of each one in this journey has been uniquely essential. You have been our eyes, our ears and, often, our hands! We would like to thank each of you for bringing your inner educator to life, by experiencing this beautiful craft that is to raise a child!