We are going through a rather unique moment of our history. We have all been faced with many challenges, feelings and accomplishments since the onset of the pandemic. Now the time has come for a new stage in our learning process.
We are happy to announce that be.Living is resuming gradual and non-mandatory on-site classes – as a complement to the remote system – so that our boys and girls can return and experience school environment as a meaningfully and safely as possible.
We are aware of how important the school is as an encouraging environment for learning experiences, so we will be warmly welcoming our children for non-curricular activities, in compliance with the Normative Instruction enforced by the City of São Paulo. This present us with the opportunity to further strengthen some of the dearest aspects of our educational proposition: interaction, playfulness, contact with nature and discoveries.
To the families of children who are not be.Living students and may be interested in getting to know the school, we inform that, at the moment, visiting procedures will follow specific protocols so as to protect the health of our children attending school.
First, we ask that prospective families contact the school by phone at (11) 3884 5871 (Childhood Ed. Unit – Rua Salto) or (11) 5051 4408 (Elementary School – Av. Jandira) to schedule a conversation via Zoom, so that our principals can explain our educational proposition and other issues of concern. After that, a visit to the be.Living premises may be scheduled, at designated times (outside class hours), to ensure the safety of our little ones.
We hope it will be a healthy re-start for everyone and look forward to providing our students with refreshed and significant learning experiences and discoveries!