2024: A year of connections, learning, and collectivity 

Throughout 2024, we weave – with delicacy and consistency, another beautiful narrative of learning at be.Living, full of discoveries, exchanges, and remarkable experiences. It was a year in which the collectivity shone as the guiding thread of each project, inviting the entire school community to see education as a transformative encounter between knowledge and feeling. 

Gabriela Fernandes, coordinator of Elementary Education, translates this essence when reflecting on the period: “It was a year in which we sought excellence, not only in the academic aspect, but also in the building of emotional bonds.” We seek to highlight how important it is to share what we have learned and built, whether with our families, colleagues, and friends, or among groups. 

In Gabriela’s view, the trajectory of 2024 was marked by events that celebrated the learning process as something alive and meaningful. She cites as an example, the Literary Saturday, an event in which children demonstrated their language skills in two languages, producing texts, scripts, and even original theatrical presentations. “The children surprised us. They transformed texts into scripts and scripts into plays. “It was a moment of extreme power,” highlights the coordinator.

MAC – Arts and Sciences Exhibition, brought the Ubuntu theme as a guiding thread. Inspired by the African philosophy that celebrates interdependence and the collective, MAC proposed to the children to experience the idea that “I am because we are,” as Gabriela explains: “This theme translates what we believe in as a school. We work so that children understand that growth and learning depend on others and the community.

During MAC, the projects united science and art in a pleasurable way, allowing children to build knowledge while exploring their artistic expressions. The presentations were enriched by exchanges between age groups, showing how the collective learning experience can be enriching for everyone.

Another highlight in Elementary School was the musical show, which marked the 10 years of music teacher Amanda Ribeiro at be.Living. Guided by Amanda and teachers Vinícius Medrado, Daniel Moreno, and Marcelo de Moura, the children gave a vibrant presentation that moved everyone. “They were playing, singing, doing body percussion and, above all, having fun.” It was exciting to see the result of the collective work, which began in rehearsals in small groups and culminated in a great show full of joy, rhythm, and belonging. 

The traditional Festa Junina at be.Living also reflected the pedagogical vision of the school. This year, honoring Clementina de Jesus, our students explored Afro-Brazilian culture through games, music, and rhythms such as samba and congo. As usual, the celebration involved families, who actively participated in the production of Abayomis, handmade cloth dolls that symbolize resistance, affection, and care. The party was beautiful, all decorated with these ancestral toys that represent resilience, love, playfulness, and play, passed down through generations. Thus, the activity not only valued African ancestry and Brazilian culture, but was also another opportunity to strengthen the ties within the school community. 

In Early Childhood Education, the 2024 projects stood out for their sensitivity in addressing topics such as kindness, sustainability, and diversity. The Blue 1 group, for example, developed the “Kindness” project, which culminated in the Kindness Tent, in Ibirapuera Park. “The children offered apples, flowers, and hugs to those who passed by.” It was moving to see the impact of these small actions on the community,” said Camila Maia, teaching coordinator for Early Childhood Education at be.Living.

Another significant example was the work of Red 2 as guardians of the garden. Combining research on nutrition, planting, and harvesting, the project involved not only the children but also their families, who participated in activities in the school’s vegetable garden. The recognition of this work came with the award at the Schools for the Climate Congress, where teachers Juliana Sá, Marina Lara, Tatiana Barreto, Helena Riquena, and Maria Carolina Macedo were honored for the sustainability project that connected children to the food cycle and ecological responsibility.

A project carried out by Green 2, in turn, brought children closer to the school community in a unique way, exploring the stories of the people who make the school possible. “The children conducted research and discovered what the school staff liked to play with when they were children. It was a beautiful way for the children to perceive these people beyond the roles they occupy at school, but to see them as the people they are,” says Camila.

The Art Fair, an annual exhibition of Early Childhood Education arts, was also inspired by the Ubuntu philosophy. Since the beginning of the year, the groups have been involved with themes such as sustainability, collectivity, and empathy. The younger ones explored organic and natural materials, while the older ones, like Blue, worked on urban interventions and gentle actions, inspired by the Poet Gentileza. Each creation reflected not only the learning, but also the feelings and reflections of the children, translating their experiences into art.

Thus, in 2024, we reaffirm our commitment to educating beyond content. In each project, celebration, or routine, the emphasis was on the pursuit of an education that shapes humans for the good of humanity, as Gabriela so aptly points out: “We are because we are together.”

Both coordinators observe that learning at be.Living is not just about what we know, but about how we relate to the world, to others, and to ourselves. We continue with our purpose of fostering the potential of each child through education, leaving indelible marks on their stories and also on the entire community.

We thank everyone who wrote another chapter of this story with us! 

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