Coronavirus: learning to be together at a distance

People all over the world, including Brazil, are experiencing a turbulent time with the global outbreak of the coronavirus. In order to retrain the spread of the disease, we would like to announce that, starting this week, our two be.Living units of will be closed for an indefinite period.

It will be a time to further strengthen our bonds, even though we will each be at our own homes, as we will have the opportunity to practice values such as harmony, trust, courage and solidarity while adapting our routines as parents, professionals and students on behalf of life and humanity.

Over the last few days, we gathered and prompted our entire educational staff, including our educational technology provider, to cooperatively reflect on the best work practices for meaningful distance learning, considering the different age groups, the projects already started with the different groups and activities to help our children feel closer to the school and the teachers, as similarly as possible the experiences they engage in everyday. All these while also complying with the measures laid down by the State Education Council for the redesign of the school calendar.

This moment we are going through demonstrates the importance of having cultivated bonds of affection, dialogue and trust with families, since, more than ever, we should count on each other to help our children cope with their learning process. We are very grateful for the understanding, willingness and affection we have been receiving.

Our school is physically closed, but we are ready, open and willing to help you go through this delicate moment in a straightforward manner. How long will we remain in isolation? This is still uncertain. What we do know is that challenges will be great, but the be.Living team is available to walk hand in hand with each mother, father and child through this new and challenging journey, offering full support for this experience to be uplifting and take place the best possible way, reinforcing partnerships, relationships, values and, specially, enabling our children to build their learning.

We will be together on this. Count on us!

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