Make Believe: playing make-believe!

Children arrive at a setting specially prepared by the teachers, and the stage for make-believe is set: stethoscopes, gloves, pretend injections, and a medicine box! This time, the symbolic game is centered around a doctor’s office. Naturally, the children immerse themselves in roles such as doctors, patients, and even mothers and fathers, as a storyline organically unfolds.

The act of ‘Make Believe’ in Early Childhood Education is a sensitive and significant method we employ. It is a powerful learning tool for children, as our our pedagogical coordinator, Camila Maia, explains: “Make Believe” is a symbolic game that facilitates teaching and learning through imaginative play. In the practice, teachers design and set up spaces that mirror real-life scenarios. We introduce objects that reflect the children’s everyday experiences and situations familiar to them. Through this form of play, children have the chance to adopt and interpret various social roles. One day, they might be doctors; on another, they could be patients, mothers, or fathers. This enables them to understand these roles and societal norms more deeply.”

The coordinator emphasizes that through such symbolic games, children can also re-experience real situations they’ve encountered both inside and outside the school. “When a child engages in play, taking on roles like mother and daughter or doctor and patient, they are recreating and reinterpreting relationships and experiences. This allows them to process feelings and emotions, giving deeper meaning to their experiences. Through this form of play, children gain insights about themselves, others, and the broader world, enhancing their understanding of how people behave and interact in varied contexts.” 

For different age groups, the approach is tailored and executed in an unique format. “Younger children, such as those from the ‘Yellow Orange’ group, are in a notably concrete phase of development. In response, teachers craft specific settings for these children. Primarily, the kids explore materials in a tactile and direct manner, delving into the physical properties of items. They might investigate if an object rolls, stacks, is hard or soft, produces sound, or offers varied textures. Throughout this exploration, the guidance and presence of the teachers are vital. Teachers play a crucial role by mediating between the children and the given materials, providing references, models, and repertoire.”

O atributo alt desta imagem está vazio. O nome do arquivo é make-believe1-1024x501.jpg

They help in naming objects and outlining potential actions in tangible terms. For instance, a phone will be used as a phone, and a notebook as a notebook. This approach ensures that children begin to immerse themselves in the scenario, using the provided materials according to their societal functions —that is, using objects precisely for their intended purposes.” Camila explains that the approach to symbolic play evolves for slightly older children. “Starting at a particular age, children begin crafting far more imaginative narratives from the materials provided. A notebook might be imagined as a hat, and a medicine box could be envisioned as a table. Children start to see beyond the direct function of an item, expanding their symbolic perception and boosting their imagination and creativity.”

Camila also emphasizes the significance of socialization in Make Believe. “Make-believe consistently encourages children to engage in play with their peers. Since interactions occur within a pre-defined context, children quickly grasp the roles they play, navigating and connecting within a given storyline. “Accepting others’ opinions, transitioning between roles, waiting one’s turn, and exchanging ideas… As children play together, they craft diverse narratives, fostering both emotional and cognitive growth. This shared experience leads to meaningful moments within a communal setting.”

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