This year we celebrate our June Festival in a different but very joyful and meaningful way, honoring this event that is so rich and important for our culture. be.Living’s “2021 June Festival” took place over the last fortnight of the month, through various cultural experiences that brought many lessons and pleasurable moments for the children.
“Historically, the June Festival is a party organized by the collective, in which each member of the community does something to share with the others. They are feasts that praise the saints in thanksgiving for the harvest, which the earth gives us in return for our collective work. That’s why we have the traditional foods, why people share food everywhere in Northern and Northeastern Brazil. So here at be.Living, the June Festivals are always an opportunity for children to share their work with the school community,” Gabriela Fernandes, Elementary School Coordinator, explained.
The school was all dolled up by the colorful little flags that each child brought from home especially for the festivities’ decorations, and gained life and joy with the presence of girls and boys dressed up to experience the activities.
The moments in the park included June Festival games organized by Year 5 and, for a whole week, everyone could delight in the traditional treats of the famous Candy Tent, which Year 1 and Year 2 managed this time.
The classes participated in workshops on cultural events, where they could dance and sing not only the traditional songs of the June Festival, but also other expressions of Brazilian popular culture. All of this was accomplished with great responsibility and safety, respecting health protocols.
“Here at be. Living, we always understood the June Festival as a moment to introduce the children to references from all Brazilian popular expressions, especially from Northern and Northeastern Brazil, due to all the fading of these regions for those who are here in the South and Southeast. So, our festivals include cultural expressions such as boi bumbá, coco, cacuriá, maracatu and cavalo-marinho, to recover all the richness of Brazilian culture produced by the people from those regions, which are wonderful”, Gabi said.